DIG NewMusic: The Doberman Triangle

We just got featured on the DIG New Music blog ran by Tonny Dufficy

Check the original post here.

DIG NewMusic: The Doberman Triangle: The Doberman Triangle (ザ・ドーベルマン・トライアングル)は、プロデューサーGomez-Kabukiによるエレクトロニック・フュージョン・バーチャル・バンドです。 日本のサウンドに影響を受けたエレクトロニックと自然の要素を取り入れた独創的なフュージョン音楽を...

"The Doberman Triangle is an electronic fusion virtual band created by producer Gomez-Kabuki. It features electronic and a bit of nature; a creative fusion influenced by the sounds of Japan."

We are eternally grateful to Tony-san and band "Monk-A-Tonk" for their huge constant support from the other side of the globe, please, visit them here.


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